Sunday, 6 April 2014

Prayer that Works Wonders

I am glad to tell you that you can change your life now and forever through commanding prayers. Commanding prayers are prayers that work wonders in the kingdom of God. It is the key to walk and live in miracles as a child of God. It is the key to possess all things that are yours in Christ Jesus. Why? Because all things are yours in Christ Jesus if you are born again. The bible says: “So let no one boast of men. For all things are yours,” (1 Cor.3:21).
Consequently, God does not expect you to beg for things that are yours already. Friend, in Christ Jesus you are a son of God and if a son, then an heir of God like Jesus your Lord and Head. It is written: “It is the Spirit himself bearing witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs, heirs of God and fellow- heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him. (Rom.8:16-17)
As a child of God, you are a fellow-heir with Jesus and everything that belongs to the Father is yours. Silver and gold are yours. The earth and its fullness are yours. Your Father owns the universe! It is high time you began to access the treasures of your Father in the earth via commanding prayers.
Commanding prayer is a prayer that will release what is yours to you here on earth. You have to understand that in the new covenant you have been blessed already by the Father as a son. It is written: “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places” (Eph.1:3)
Wow! You have been blessed with all spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus. God has blessed you and if you are blessed by Him, there is no power or any being in heaven and on earth that can undo it except you (Nos 23: 8, 20).
What are spiritual blessings? Spiritual blessings are benefits of redemption. They are benefits that belong to the believer through the death, resurrection and exaltation of Jesus Christ to the right hand of the Father. They are God’s gifts to His children. They cannot be earned. They are not reward of self-righteousness. They cannot be bought. They are too expensive that they cost God the life of His Son so that they can be yours freely and richly in Christ Jesus.
Spiritual blessings are spiritual benevolent substances in the spirit realm but they have profound effects in the physical realm. You can’t see them with your eyes as entities but you can see their manifestation in the physical realm. For example, favour is a spiritual blessing. Salvation, healing, deliverance from the powers of darkness, wealth, victory, dominion, peace, joy, mercy, grace, wisdom, etc are spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus.
In essence, God the Father has blessed you already with all these blessings. In Christ Jesus favour, wealth, healing, divine health, etc are yours already. They are yours in Christ Jesus; you don’t need to beg for them. God has credited your spiritual account with all these blessings. God your Father has credited your account in heavenly places in Christ Jesus with glory, wealth, favour, all forms of grace, divine health, mercy, victory and dominion over sin and the devil, etc.
Friend, you have waited enough for God your Father to do something but He will never do it until you do it here on earth. Why? Because it is written: “whatsoever you bind on earth is bound in heaven and whatsoever you loose on earth is loosed in heaven.” (Matt.18:18)
This is to say that God and His angels will never do anything in your life on earth until you place a demand here on earth. This is the reason for commanding prayers. In other words, you have to be proactive in the spirit realm by releasing, downloading, calling for and loosing things that God has already blessed you with. They are in spiritual forms but you need them here on earth.
Beloved, you don’t wait for a change in the spirit realm but you effect or cause a change via your utterances. You have to be proactive! How? Because you have been given already, you have to command them upon your life, family, career and business. You have waited enough for favour and mercy now is the time to command them upon your life. You have waited enough for a job; you had better call for one now. You have waited enough for life partner; now call for the one you want into your life.
You have begged and asked enough, start commanding upon your life and summoning  into your life all that you need and want for they are all yours in Christ Jesus (Pls, read Lev.25:21 and Ezk. 36:29).