We are not
natural people. We are supernatural people because we are born of God. We're
born into the realm of God- the supernatural realm. Supernatural realm is our
natural habitat. Supernatural life is our life because God gave us a never
ending life in Christ Jesus.
It is written: “And this is the testimony that God has given us eternal life and this life is in his Son. He who has the Son has the life; he who has not the Son of God has not life” (1 John 5:1-12)
It is written: “And this is the testimony that God has given us eternal life and this life is in his Son. He who has the Son has the life; he who has not the Son of God has not life” (1 John 5:1-12)
The eternal life
in us is the supernatural life because it is the life of God. It qualifies us
to live and walk in the supernatural. It empowers us to move in the realms of
God and have within us creative power.
See, if you're born of God you're born to live supernaturally in the world. That is why we have to learn the ways of God and begin to walk in His ways. It is written:
See, if you're born of God you're born to live supernaturally in the world. That is why we have to learn the ways of God and begin to walk in His ways. It is written:
“Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved
children.” (Ephesians 5:1)
“Jesus said to
them, “truly, truly, I say to you, the son can do nothing of his own accord,
but only what he sees the Father doing; for whatever he does, that the Son does
likewise.” (John5:19)
See, children of
God must imitate God like our Lord Jesus. Jesus Christ copied the Father and
did what no man had ever done. To get God kind of results in our life we must
learn and follow his ways of doing it. For example, when God wanted to create
the earth He created material things from material things. It is written: “And
God said, “let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the
fruits tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed was in itself, upon the
earth: and it was so. And God said, “Let the waters bring forth abundantly the
moving creature that has life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the
open firmament of heaven.” (Genesis 1:11, 20)
In the school of supernatural anything that has the ability or capacity to
produce can be commanded to bring forth. God knew that the earth had the
capacity to bring forth trees and plants so He commanded let the earth brought
forth trees and plants, and it was so. He knew the water could bring forth
different types of fish and birds so He commanded water to bring them forth in
Since we have been charged to imitate God (Eph.5:1; John 5:19-21), we can
command anything that has the ability to produce what we desire to bring forth
in Jesus name. Your career or business has the ability to produce; therefore
you can command it to bring forth money in abundance, automobile, house, and
whatever you expect to gain from it.
Are you a husband or wife, and you're looking for fruit of the womb? Husbands you can command your wife to bring
forth kings and queens for you because she can. And wives you can speak to your
womb to bring forth children of destiny because your womb has capacity to bring
forth by divine ordination.
See, you have to
understand that you are biological microphone of God in the world. You are
God’s mouth to change your life and change the world (Matthew 10:27). Your
mouth is God’s vehicle of creation in the material world. The creative power
and life of God is released to create on earth via the mouth of His children.
In essence, God needs your mouth to speak over your life. God needs your
mouth to change your life. God needs your mouth to establish His counsel and
purpose in your life. When I begin to say what God has said about me in His
word, my voice becomes the voice of God. Ezekiel in the valley of dry bones was
merely repeating what God had said to him to the bones. The dry bones came
together and became a host of mighty army. Ezekiel prophesied according to the
revealed will of Go (Ezekiel 37:1-10)
Therefore prophecy can be defined as saying what God has said to you or what God has revealed to you in His word, or saying what God is saying about a particular situation or problem.
When do I prophesy? I begin to prophesy when I begin to say what God is saying or has said about a thing. In prophecy God's mouth and a man's mouth come into agreement or alignment to achieve or accomplish God's intention or purpose.
Consequently man's voice becomes God's voice which all creations must obey. Prophetic utterances cannot be resisted by any force on earth and in heaven because they are the voice of God. We know that according to the scripture, the voice of God is powerful and full of majesty. The voice of God gives forth the flames of fire and breaks the cedars (Psalm 29:4, 5&7).
This is how powerful your voice would become when you begin to say what God is saying or has said about a thing or your situation.
Therefore prophecy can be defined as saying what God has said to you or what God has revealed to you in His word, or saying what God is saying about a particular situation or problem.
When do I prophesy? I begin to prophesy when I begin to say what God is saying or has said about a thing. In prophecy God's mouth and a man's mouth come into agreement or alignment to achieve or accomplish God's intention or purpose.
Consequently man's voice becomes God's voice which all creations must obey. Prophetic utterances cannot be resisted by any force on earth and in heaven because they are the voice of God. We know that according to the scripture, the voice of God is powerful and full of majesty. The voice of God gives forth the flames of fire and breaks the cedars (Psalm 29:4, 5&7).
This is how powerful your voice would become when you begin to say what God is saying or has said about a thing or your situation.
Moreover, logos (the written word of
God) are God's intention, agenda, plan, blueprint, settled will of God and real
desire for your life. Logos also is the sword of the Spirit i.e. the sword
which the Holy Spirit uses to fight on your behalf. It is written: “Forever, O
LORD, your word is firmly fixed in the heaven” (Psalm 119:89) and “And take the
sword of the Spirit which is the word of God” (Eph.6:17). The written word of
God is settled forever in heaven i.e. the logos is reliable, dependable,
immutable and eternal. It is the genuine will of God and God’s intention for
His own.
See, when logos become revelation to you, it becomes your prophecy. In that instant you have to turn the revelation to words and begin to prophesy it in order to bring it to pass. This is how to prophesy over your life daily. You don’t need to wait for a prophet to prophesy over your life. Get the word of God into your heart and now begin to speak it for out of abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Any word of God that gets access into your heart becomes a prophetic word to change your situation. When you begin to speak the word of God, your voice becomes the voice of God.
See, when logos become revelation to you, it becomes your prophecy. In that instant you have to turn the revelation to words and begin to prophesy it in order to bring it to pass. This is how to prophesy over your life daily. You don’t need to wait for a prophet to prophesy over your life. Get the word of God into your heart and now begin to speak it for out of abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Any word of God that gets access into your heart becomes a prophetic word to change your situation. When you begin to speak the word of God, your voice becomes the voice of God.
Friends, it is time to imitate God
in the school of supernatural and this is what I call Divine imitation. Doing
it the way God does is the easiest way to live supernaturally every day of your
life. Watch out for DIVINE IMITATION 2