aw of seedtime and
harvest is one of the spiritual laws that govern the earth. God instituted it
that as long as the earth remains seedtime and harvest will not cease. As long
as you wake up and see the light of the day, the seedtime and harvest will not
fail. It is written: “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and
heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease”. (Genesis 8:22). It is
a universe law working at all times whether you are conscious of it or not.
Whether you believe it or not, this law is working for or against you 24 hours.
Dr Glory Adeola
It is reliable, constant and productive
anywhere always. If you are a sower, you must be a reaper or harvester. It is a
universe law. You sow nothing, you harvest nothing. Many people want to reap
while they have not sowed. To be a reaper you must be a sower. The universe
will always give you back your contribution to it. It is a law. It is a must.
See, the law of
seedtime and harvest makes every man on earth a farmer. Whether you are
conscious of it or not, you are a farmer or seed sower. Daily you sow seeds
that will determine your harvest tomorrow. Your life experience today is as a
result of seeds you’ve sown yesteryear. Every word from your mouth, every deed,
every thought and action are your seeds you sow daily into the earth that will
culminate into your harvest tomorrow.
The law of seedtime and
harvest states that every seed can produce a huge harvest and if you are a
sower, you will be a reaper whether you pray or not. As long as you obey the
law, the law will obey you. That is why when you give, you must receive it is a
spiritual law. If you don’t receive or reap after you’ve sowed, you must
enforce the law to get your harvest. The law can only obey you in the place of
prayer when you’ve obeyed the law. The law is not balanced if you sow and you
don’t reap or if you give and you don’t receive for the cycle must be complete.
It is a must according to the law of seedtime and harvest for a sower to be a reaper.
It is written: “Do not be deceived; God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows,
that he will also reap.” (Gal.6:7RSV), and NLT version says:” Don’t be misled;
you cannot mock the justice of God. You will always harvest what you plant”.
See, no man can mock
God. You can’t hide under grace when you are wicked or evil for the law will
find you out. The spiritual law does not know anointing or personality, or
title. You will always harvest what you plant. The law of seedtime and harvest
also states that every seed will always give harvest of its kind. In other
words, you can’t plant maize seeds and harvest bean seeds. You can’t plant
mango seed and get orange tree. The law of seedtime and harvest time forbids
Beloved, every man can
determine his harvest every time. Through the law of seedtime and harvest you
can predict your future or create your future by deliberately planting or
sowing specific seeds daily that will culminate into the harvest of the future
you want to see. With this law you can boldly say to anyone I know my tomorrow
because you’re planting seeds now that will give you your future harvest.
Hear this, you can’t
make others cry and you want to have joy. The law forbids it except you
genuinely repent. You can’t be home breaker when you’re single and you want to
have joy in your marriage. The law forbids it except you genuinely repent and
obtain God’s mercy. As a single lady or a bachelor, you can’t be double dating
and someone will not break your heart because you are a deceiver you also must
be deceived.
See, if you are liar,
you will always be lied to. If you are a destroyer, the law will raise up a
higher destroyer to destroy you. If you’re a serial cheater, you will be
cheated because the law will come for you. If you destroy people with your
mouth, be ready for the harvest soon. You can’t escape it except you repent and
obtain the mercy of God. As long as the earth remains the seedtime and harvest
will not cease. Always remember you can’t break spiritual law and escape its
judgment for the cycle must be completed. Whether you believe it or not, it is
alive and working for or against you 24 hours. Now is the time to deliberately
and consciously determine your harvest future in life by consciously and
deliberately sowing seeds of the harvest and future you want to see. (To
be continued)
Are you sowing seeds into eternity? Are you saved?
Are you at peace with God? Do you have an account in heaven? Have you been
washed in the blood of the Lamb or you’re just playing religion? Is your name
in the book of Life? See, until you’ve relationship with God, your eternal
future is not secured. Salvation is the seed of eternal relationship with God
for every man. If you are not saved you
are not safe. Don’t be a waste!
No matter who
you are or what you might have acquired in this world when you don’t have
Christ in your heart and life, you are a waste. What will remain with you here
after is your connection with God.
Friend, do
you have it? Now is the day of your salvation, tomorrow may be too late. Only
the blood can take away sins (Leviticus 17:14, Hebrews 10:4, 12-14), not your
works or self righteousness, or religion. If you want to give your life to God
through our Lord Jesus Christ, please say this prayer along with me:
Father, I come to you in the name of Jesus Christ. I recognize myself today as
a sinner that needs your mercy, I now ask that you forgive me all my sins and
wash me clean in the blood of the Lamb of God. I take you at your word. I
confess that Jesus is Lord and I believe in my heart that you raised Him from
the dead. Thank you for coming into my heart, for giving me your Holy Spirit as
you have promised, and for being my Lord. Amen.
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