heart is the seat of your life. It is the control centre of your life
because it gives birth to your world or future. It is the bakery of
your life. It is the processing unit of your life. That is why
somebody said that your mind is the battlefield of your life. Once
your heart is polluted, your life is polluted. The Bible says; “keep
thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life”
(Prov. 4:23).
admonished us in this scripture to set guard over our heart
diligently because it is the spring of life. It is the well of life.
We become what we draw from it. In essence, God is saying that you
have got to watch your heart and use its power to change the course
of your life. why? It is because whatsoever you will become in life
starts with a thought which comes from your heart. Your thoughts make
you or mar you.
me a failure I will show you a man that has failed in his thinking
life. Once your thought is distorted, your life is distorted.
successful and exciting thoughts produce successful and exciting
life. Meager and unhappy thoughts produce meager and unhappy life. It
is your thoughts or what you are thinking constantly about yourself,
your life, future, career or business that will eventually become
your possession.
reason is because your thoughts determine your attitude and action
which eventually become your character which determines whether you
will be a success or a failure. Friend, you are unlimited. You can be
what and who you want to be if you will make use of your power of
imagination. Your life, career, business and marriage can change
right now if you will use the gift of God in you. No devil or
witchcraft can stop you. The bible says: “And the Lord said,
behold, the people is one and they have all one language; and this
they begin to do and now nothing will be restrained from them, which
they have imagined to do”. (Gen. 11:6).
God said that now nothing would be restrained from them which they
had imagined to do. That is no demon or man can stop you if you will
harness your power of imagination or thought and focus it on what you
want. Your imagination or thought is one of the powers of
possibility that God has put in you at creation. Dare to use it. Dare
to dream big and go for it. Nothing can stop you if you will make
it(your good thoughts) stronger everyday. If you don’t allow
another thought to overrule your thought for success and prosperity,
you will become successful and prosperous. The only thing that the
enemy does is to confuse or distract you in your mind. And once you
are distracted, you are defeated. The enemy doesn’t need to fight
you anyway; he just needs to distract you. And when he succeeds in
distracting you, your dreams (good thoughts) become nothing. That is
why the bible says: “Casting down imaginations and every high thing
that exalts it itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into
captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ” (2 Cor.10:5).
is your role in the school of success. You are to cast down every
imagination or thought of failure, poverty, divorce and hopelessness,
and bring them into captivity to the obedience of Christ. God won’t
do that for you, it is you that will decide what you want around you.
No matter how hard you pray, you will eventually become what you
constantly think or imagine unless you pray to change your mind which
is the seat of your thought and imagination.
you want your life to change starts with a change of thoughts. And
once there is a change of thoughts, your life will begin to change
for good. For as a man thinks in his heart so he is. That is a
spiritual law, and God does not go against his law no matter who is
involved. Focus on the things you want and pray, and everything about
you will change forever.
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