Monday, 10 March 2014

Salary can't make You a Millionaire

I am bold to tell you  that salary is an embargo on your financial destiny. It is an embargo because it brings limitation upon your destiny and finance. It sets a limit to your financial exploits. It robs you of your blessings since it has been defined by your employer. It sets a spiritual, mental and physical boundary to your financial breakthrough and prosperity.
Moreover it sets a chain through which the evil one can control your finances. It is a torment because it makes you live in fear of losing your financial source which is your job. It makes you a slave to your employer or boss especially in one man’s business or civil service. It makes your job your god. That is why when some people lose their jobs, they try to commit suicide.
Salary creates a mental and spiritual block to financial blessings. It limits salary earner’s expectation and faith to salary. It conditions their minds to their employers and not to God. It creates kind of mind set that salary earners can’t do anything except they borrow, embezzle, collect bribe or get promotion. They live and work for salary.
Furthermore all their financial plans are based on salary. They can’t see and think beyond salary and as a result, mentally they become slaves to monthly salary. If in need, salary earners can only think of loan. And this is the reason why many civil servants and private workers cannot live beyond their salaries except they take bribe, or steal government or their company’s money. They have to do this because they are fighting to come out of the bondage, limitation and curse of salary. They recognize the fact that salary is an embargo or a limitation to their financial destiny and goal.
The truth is that no amount of money you receive as a salary that will be enough to meet all your needs. It will not be enough because consciously or unconsciously salary earners spend half of their salaries before they collect it. Hence, when they receive it, the evil cycles of financial lack continues.
One thing God wants you to know is that salary is a subtle method of the enemy to cage you financially and you have to come out of it. You have to consciously and deliberately set yourself free from this bondage and embargo. You have to wage war against it and liberate yourself from this cage. I have never seen a salary earner that has become a multimillionaire or a billionaire. If he or she is a millionaire, watch them closely it is either they are into a business or stealing where he works.
As a child of God, you have to know that salary is a limitation to your financial breakthrough and prosperity. It is an obstacle to your financial blessings especially if you are a tither. I know that many tithers would have queried God why they are not experiencing the blessings of tithers according to God’s word. It is written: “bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive.” (Mal.3:10)
The truth is that God wants to bless you back according to His word but the fact is that there is nothing He wants to put the blessings upon. Even if He wants to bless you He can only bless your employer so that you can receive salary regularly.
Wake up! It is high time you created a means for your financial breakthrough. Your tithes of many years and prayers for financial breakthrough have reached the throne of Grace and the heavens want to pour out overflowing blessings on you. And you have to create a room for it by starting a business.
You can’t be a tither and continue to wallow in poverty. Your salary mentality must die so that God can give you ideas that will bring you financial breakthrough. Satan has robbed you enough of your blessings via salary mentality. Now is the time to find your way out of the cage of salary.
I’m not asking you to quit your job but with your salary create another job or business for yourself. In other words, start your own business or small scale industry while you are still earning your salary monthly. God wants to bless you. He wants to make you a financial blessing to others. You have prayed enough for promotion. It is high time you promoted yourself now by starting a business. Salary is an embargo to your financial destiny; break it off your neck! 

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