Thursday, 14 August 2014

Prayer that Work Wonders 2

In the last edition it was established that the prayers that work wonders are commanding prayers. In the New Testament God our Father does not expect us to pray like beggars. The only time we as believers can beg God our Father in prayer is when we pray for unbelievers. Why? This is because they are not part of the kingdom of God and what is meant for the children cannot be given to dogs. It is written: “And he said to her, “Let children first be fed, for it is not right to take the children’s bread and throw to the dogs.” (Mark 7:27).
The sinners are the dogs not children. Thus, the benefits of the kingdom do not belong to them but they belong to the children. Now for a sinner to enjoy the benefits of the kingdom of God, a citizen of the kingdom must stand in for him in prayer before the Father since he has no say before the Father. This is why God is not expecting His children to beg for anything in His kingdom like sinners. The benefits of the kingdom of God are spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus and it is only those in Christ Jesus that can enjoy them freely and richly. It is an insult to God the Father for His child to be begging Him for healing which Jesus Christ His Son has paid for with His life on the cross.
Consequently, God your Father expect you to order for anything you need. That is why you have to study the prayer life of our Lord Jesus in the Gospels and how He taught His disciples to pray. In fact, Jesus our Lord taught His disciples commanding prayers. It is written:
 “Truly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven” (Matt.18:18 RSV)
“And so I tell all of you: what you prohibit on earth will be prohibited in heaven, and what you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven” (Matt.18:18 GNB)
Binding and loosing, prohibiting and permitting are commanding prayers. According to the scripture above, it is only commanding prayers that put the heaven to work on your behalf as a child of God. They are prayers that give heavens sleepless night over your matter and keep your angels working 24 hours until you stop giving commands.
Friend, you have been asking, now is the time to begin to release. When it comes to material things such as money, clothes, food, etc, you have got to release them to come to you from any force withholding them from you. The bible says: “His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who has called us to his own glory and excellence” (2 Peter 1:3).
Beloved, in Christ Jesus God the Father has given you all things that pertain to your living well here on earth. He has granted you all resources that you will need to fulfil your destiny. He has granted you destiny helpers that will assist you to fill your destiny. He has granted you that money you need to pay your house rent, pay your children school fees, start your business, finish your house project, etc.
Then you ask me: why I am not getting them? You are not getting them because you are not praying correctly. See, material things, destiny helpers, money, etc are here on earth not in heaven. And God has given them to you in Christ Jesus according to 2 Peter 1:3. It means that a power or a being is withholding them from you or depriving you of them here on earth. That is why you have to order the power or being withholding them to release them to you for the rod of the wicked shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous (Psalm 125:3). You only loose what has been bound and you only release what has been withheld.
It is high time you began to loose things that are yours from the grip of mammon or the devil. The only prayer that will bring material blessings and destiny helpers to you is commanding prayers. You have asked enough, now is the time to release them. Your angels are waiting for your commands today. Give them jobs to do.

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