I am glad to tell you that you can be what you want to be as a child of God. The enemy has no power over your future and he cannot stop you except you want him to. He doesn’t have a say over your tomorrow until you give him the right to do so. Why? Because you are none of his and you are no longer his slave or captive. It is written: “we know that we belong to God even though the whole world is under the rule of the evil one” (1 John 5:19)
See, the whole world is under the rule or government of the evil one (Satan) but you are not. You are not in the government in which Satan is the head and lord. You are not under the rule or government of Satan so he can’t determine your future. That is, he does not have power over your tomorrow. He does not have a say over your destiny until you give him the right to do so. He only has power and a say over his own children.
There are two kinds of people in the world today, namely, the children of Satan and children of God. As a person, it is either you are a child of the devil or a child of God. The question is: who are you, a child of God or satan? It is a question you must answer today! It is written: “what is born of the flesh is flesh; and what is born of the Spirit is spirit” (John 3:6)
I would like to say that if you are born again, you are a child of God because you are born of God by the Holy Spirit. And because you are born of God, you have the life and nature of God in your entire being. The life and nature of God in you makes you a new creation. It makes you a superhuman with God’s ability to do what God can do. It makes you different from anyone that is not born again. You have divine abilities within you to be like God and do what can do. The life of God in you is the same life in God and in Jesus. Jesus said: “For even as the Father has life in himself, so he has given the Son to have life in himself” (John 5:26) and “And this is the testimony that God gave us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. He that has the Son has life; he that has not the Son has not life” (John 5:11-12)
Beloved, this life of God makes God the creator and source of life to all things and beings in heaven and on earth. This divine life is a creative ability of God that accompanies God’s words, decrees and commandments. That is why when He speaks it comes to pass. This is because of the life of God in His words. Jesus said that the words that I speak are life and spirit (Jn 6:63).
See, you have become partaker of this life and nature. You have the creative ability of God in you. Your enemy, the devil, knows this fact and that is why he always bombards your mind with wrong things, evil thoughts, and imaginations and dreams so that you can keep on saying wrong things in order to control your life and mess it up for you. The devil knows that out of abundance the mouth speaks. This is the reason why his angels are constantly filling your mind/spirit with their evil visions, dreams and plans for your life. He knows that you have the final say in every issue of your life.
Thus, he fills your mind with evil thoughts, images of hopelessness, failure, poverty, pictures of hardship and helplessness so that you can say them in order to make them happen for you. He knows that when you say those wrong things about yourself, finances, home, career and business that you have permitted him (the devil) to do it in your life. That is why many Christians are suffering, failures, mediocre, sick and poor today. The devil is just using them to afflict them by making them use the creative power in them negatively. As a result, permitting the devil by their utterances to steal their joy, peace, health, prosperity, marriage, etc. The devil knows that by your words you will be justified or condemned. He knows that when you will decree a thing and it shall be established unto you (Matt.12:37, Job 22:28).
Beloved, the life of God in you makes you a creative being like God your Father and that is why you can’t speak anyhow for whatever you say will surely come to pass. It is high time you became conscious of this so that you can begin to create your future now.
Hear this, there is blessing in your mouth, speak it over your life. Stop saying what you don’t want in your life. Stop affirming and confirming what you don’t want to see in your life. Every wrong or negative word is a wrong demand to the spirit realm which is the causal realm. Anytime you repeat it, you reinforce those words to come to pass in your life physically.
There is no joke for God’s children in the spirit realm because every word carries creative ability whether you believe it or not.
Friend, as long as you are speaking poverty, failure, sickness, etc even though you don’t want them, you will keep on having them no matter how hard you pray. You can fast, go to mountain, drink anointing oil, go for deliverance, wash your feet and sow seeds as long as your mouth keep on saying the opposite of what you really want, your life will remain the same. Nothing will actually change in your life until you begin to say what you actually want in your mind and with your mouth. The only way out of where you are is to speak yourself out of it now and begin to talk where you want to be and you will keep on saying it until you have it. Now use the life of God i.e. creative ability of God in you to change your life and the world around you. After this teaching you can’t afford to speak anyhow for whatever you say will surely come to pass.