Saturday, 23 August 2014

Speak Your Way into Your Future

I am glad to tell you that you can be what you want to be as a child of God. The enemy has no power over your future and he cannot stop you except you want him to. He doesn’t have a say over your tomorrow until you give him the right to do so. Why? Because you are none of his and you are no longer his slave or captive. It is written: “we know that we belong to God even though the whole world is under the rule of the evil one” (1 John 5:19)
See, the whole world is under the rule or government of the evil one (Satan) but you are not. You are not in the government in which Satan is the head and lord.  You are not under the rule or government of Satan so he can’t determine your future. That is, he does not have power over your tomorrow. He does not have a say over your destiny until you give him the right to do so. He only has power and a say over his own children.
There are two kinds of people in the world today, namely, the children of Satan and children of God. As a person, it is either you are a child of the devil or a child of God. The question is: who are you, a child of God or satan? It is a question you must answer today! It is written: “what is born of the flesh is flesh; and what is born of the Spirit is spirit” (John 3:6)
I would like to say that if you are born again, you are a child of God because you are born of God by the Holy Spirit. And because you are born of God, you have the life and nature of God in your entire being. The life and nature of God in you makes you a new creation. It makes you a superhuman with God’s ability to do what God can do. It makes you different from anyone that is not born again. You have divine abilities within you to be like God and do what can do. The life of God in you is the same life in God and in Jesus. Jesus said: “For even as the Father has life in himself, so he has given the Son to have life in himself” (John 5:26)   and “And this is the testimony that God gave us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. He that has the Son has life; he that has not the Son has not life” (John 5:11-12)
Beloved, this life of God makes God the creator and source of life to all things and beings in heaven and on earth. This divine life is a creative ability of God that accompanies God’s words, decrees and commandments. That is why when He speaks it comes to pass. This is because of the life of God in His words. Jesus said that the words that I speak are life and spirit (Jn 6:63).
See, you have become partaker of this life and nature. You have the creative ability of God in you. Your enemy, the devil, knows this fact and that is why he always bombards your mind with wrong things, evil thoughts, and imaginations and dreams so that you can keep on saying wrong things in order to control your life and mess it up for you. The devil knows that out of abundance the mouth speaks. This is the reason why his angels are constantly filling your mind/spirit with their evil visions, dreams and plans for your life. He knows that you have the final say in every issue of your life.
Thus, he fills your mind with evil thoughts, images of hopelessness, failure, poverty, pictures of hardship and helplessness so that you can say them in order to make them happen for you. He knows that when you say those wrong things about yourself, finances, home, career and business that you have permitted him (the devil) to do it in your life. That is why many Christians are suffering, failures, mediocre, sick and poor today. The devil is just using them to afflict them by making them use the creative power in them negatively. As a result, permitting the devil by their utterances to steal their joy, peace, health, prosperity, marriage, etc.  The devil knows that by your words you will be justified or condemned. He knows that when you will decree a thing and it shall be established unto you (Matt.12:37, Job 22:28).
Beloved, the life of God in you makes you a creative being like God your Father and that is why you can’t speak anyhow for whatever you say will surely come to pass. It is high time you became conscious of this so that you can begin to create your future now.
Hear this, there is blessing in your mouth, speak it over your life. Stop saying what you don’t want in your life. Stop affirming and confirming what you don’t want to see in your life. Every wrong or negative word is a wrong demand to the spirit realm which is the causal realm. Anytime you repeat it, you reinforce those words to come to pass in your life physically.
There is no joke for God’s children in the spirit realm because every word carries creative ability whether you believe it or not.
Friend, as long as you are speaking poverty, failure, sickness, etc even though you don’t want them, you will keep on having them no matter how hard you pray.  You can fast, go to mountain, drink anointing oil, go for deliverance, wash your feet and sow seeds as long as your mouth keep on saying the opposite of what you really want,  your life will remain the same. Nothing will actually change in your life until you begin to say what you actually want in your mind and with your mouth. The only way out of where you are is to speak yourself out of it now and begin to talk where you want to be and you will keep on saying it until you have it. Now use the life of God i.e. creative ability of God in you to change your life and the world around you. After this teaching you can’t afford to speak anyhow for whatever you say will surely come to pass.

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Prayer that works Wonders 3

In this edition we want to look at how you can bless yourself and change your life. Blessing oneself as a child of God in God’s way of doing it is a type of prayer that works wonders. As I said, in the last two editions, that we cannot pray like Old Testament believers because they prayed like servants. But we are to pray like sons of God because our Daddy owns the universe. As a result, we have to follow the way the Father does it. The Bible says: “Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children” (Eph.5:1).
 “Jesus said to them, “truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of his own , but only what he sees the Father doing; for whatever he does, that the Son does likewise.” (John 5:19)
In other words, Jesus was Father’s imitator. And that was why he had God’s kind of results. He always followed the Father’s ways of doing things, and thus He kept on having Father’s kind of results. Likewise for you to have Father’s kind of results, you have to follow His ways. So then, how does God bless people? The Bible says:
“And if you say, ‘what shall we eat in the seven year, if we may not sow or gather in our crop?’ I will command my blessing upon you in the sixth year, so that it will bring forth fruit for three years.” (Lev.25:21)
“The LORD will command the blessing upon you in your barns, and in all that you undertake; and he will bless in the land which the Lord your God gives you” (Deut.28:8)
Beloved, this is the way God blesses His people by commanding blessings upon them. Hence, as a child of God you can command blessings of God upon yourself thereby putting blessings of God on yourself daily. Then you ask me, is it true? Yes, it is true. You can bless yourself daily and you will be blessed abundantly. I have 3 witnesses in the Bible that you can bless yourself and you will be blessed indeed.  It is written:
 “YOU shall also decide and decree a thing, and it shall be established for you; and the light (of God’s favour) shall shine upon your ways.” (Job22:28)
“For by YOUR words you will be justified, and by YOUR words you will be condemned” Matt.12:17)
“And so I tell all of you: what YOU prohibit on earth will be prohibited in heaven, and what YOU permit on earth will be permitted in heaven” Matt.18:18)
See, all these scriptures are saying that you can change your life now because you have the final say over the issues of your life not the devil or enemies. It is what you are saying that God will continue to permit in your life. God says that when you decree a thing or bless yourself it shall be established for you. It shall be established means that it shall rest upon you or take root in your life and no power or being in heaven will be able to stop it.
It is a pity that many children of God do not know that they have the final say over their lives not the devil, and also have the power to change their situations within them. And because they don’t know they consistently affirm what the enemy has done or is doing in their lives. As a result, they allow the devil to put curses like poverty, failure at the edge of breakthrough, marital failure, sickness, and diseases, etc on them daily.
Hear this, as long as you are saying negative things about yourself and life, you can’t be blessed by God until you change what you are saying and what you are saying align with God has said about you. See, it is either you are blessing or cursing yourself daily.
Friends, now is the time to begin to bless yourself with prosperity, sound health, success, favour, wealth, enlargement, etc. When you say I am favored, favour comes upon you. When you say I am making progress in every area of my life, God releases upon you power and grace to make progress. When you say I am living above every impossibility, He releases the power of possibility upon your life. When you say I am getting richer daily, He releases the power to get wealth upon your life and open doors of opportunity to places of wealth for you. Your prayer life must be filled with these kinds of declaration for it is what you declare that will be established for you in the spirit realm.
Stop saying what the devil wants you to say. When you begin to say or saying what the devil wants you to say, you are indirectly cursing yourself and that is what you will have. As from this day when you wake up in the morning, command success, prosperity, enlargement, increase, divine health, favor, mercy, wealth, etc upon your life, business, career, children, etc in the name of Jesus. For instance, I used to say that I bless myself with the blessings of heaven above, the dew of heaven, silver and gold in abundance, the grain, wine and oil in abundance, the fatness of the earth, etc. I used to decree that anyone that blesses me today is blessed hundred fold and anyone that curses me today is cursed hundred fold with the same curses in the name of Jesus.
Friend, it is working! It is high time you change your fortunes.

Prayer that Work Wonders 2

In the last edition it was established that the prayers that work wonders are commanding prayers. In the New Testament God our Father does not expect us to pray like beggars. The only time we as believers can beg God our Father in prayer is when we pray for unbelievers. Why? This is because they are not part of the kingdom of God and what is meant for the children cannot be given to dogs. It is written: “And he said to her, “Let children first be fed, for it is not right to take the children’s bread and throw to the dogs.” (Mark 7:27).
The sinners are the dogs not children. Thus, the benefits of the kingdom do not belong to them but they belong to the children. Now for a sinner to enjoy the benefits of the kingdom of God, a citizen of the kingdom must stand in for him in prayer before the Father since he has no say before the Father. This is why God is not expecting His children to beg for anything in His kingdom like sinners. The benefits of the kingdom of God are spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus and it is only those in Christ Jesus that can enjoy them freely and richly. It is an insult to God the Father for His child to be begging Him for healing which Jesus Christ His Son has paid for with His life on the cross.
Consequently, God your Father expect you to order for anything you need. That is why you have to study the prayer life of our Lord Jesus in the Gospels and how He taught His disciples to pray. In fact, Jesus our Lord taught His disciples commanding prayers. It is written:
 “Truly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven” (Matt.18:18 RSV)
“And so I tell all of you: what you prohibit on earth will be prohibited in heaven, and what you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven” (Matt.18:18 GNB)
Binding and loosing, prohibiting and permitting are commanding prayers. According to the scripture above, it is only commanding prayers that put the heaven to work on your behalf as a child of God. They are prayers that give heavens sleepless night over your matter and keep your angels working 24 hours until you stop giving commands.
Friend, you have been asking, now is the time to begin to release. When it comes to material things such as money, clothes, food, etc, you have got to release them to come to you from any force withholding them from you. The bible says: “His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who has called us to his own glory and excellence” (2 Peter 1:3).
Beloved, in Christ Jesus God the Father has given you all things that pertain to your living well here on earth. He has granted you all resources that you will need to fulfil your destiny. He has granted you destiny helpers that will assist you to fill your destiny. He has granted you that money you need to pay your house rent, pay your children school fees, start your business, finish your house project, etc.
Then you ask me: why I am not getting them? You are not getting them because you are not praying correctly. See, material things, destiny helpers, money, etc are here on earth not in heaven. And God has given them to you in Christ Jesus according to 2 Peter 1:3. It means that a power or a being is withholding them from you or depriving you of them here on earth. That is why you have to order the power or being withholding them to release them to you for the rod of the wicked shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous (Psalm 125:3). You only loose what has been bound and you only release what has been withheld.
It is high time you began to loose things that are yours from the grip of mammon or the devil. The only prayer that will bring material blessings and destiny helpers to you is commanding prayers. You have asked enough, now is the time to release them. Your angels are waiting for your commands today. Give them jobs to do.

Prayer that works Wonders 1

I am glad to tell you that you can change your life now and forever through commanding prayers. Commanding prayers are prayers that work wonders in the kingdom of God. It is the key to walk and live in miracles as a child of God. It is the key to possess all things that are yours in Christ Jesus. Why? Because all things are yours in Christ Jesus if you are born again. The bible says: “So let no one boast of men. For all things are yours,” (1 Cor.3:21).
Consequently, God does not expect you to beg for things that are yours already. Friend, in Christ Jesus you are a son of God and if a son, then an heir of God like Jesus your Lord and Head. It is written: “It is the Spirit himself bearing witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs, heirs of God and fellow- heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him. (Rom.8:16-17)
As a child of God, you are a fellow-heir with Jesus and everything that belongs to the Father is yours. Silver and gold are yours. The earth and its fullness are yours. Your Father owns the universe! It is high time you began to access the treasures of your Father in the earth via commanding prayers.
Commanding prayer is a prayer that will release what is yours to you here on earth. You have to understand that in the new covenant you have been blessed already by the Father as a son. It is written: “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places” (Eph.1:3)
Wow! You have been blessed with all spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus. God has blessed you and if you are blessed by Him, there is no power or any being in heaven and on earth that can undo it except you (Nos 23: 8, 20).
What are spiritual blessings? Spiritual blessings are benefits of redemption. They are benefits that belong to the believer through the death, resurrection and exaltation of Jesus Christ to the right hand of the Father. They are God’s gifts to His children. They cannot be earned. They are not reward of self-righteousness. They cannot be bought. They are too expensive that they cost God the life of His Son so that they can be yours freely and richly in Christ Jesus.
Spiritual blessings are spiritual benevolent substances in the spirit realm but they have profound effects in the physical realm. You can’t see them with your eyes as entities but you can see their manifestation in the physical realm. For example, favour is a spiritual blessing. Salvation, healing, deliverance from the powers of darkness, wealth, victory, dominion, peace, joy, mercy, grace, wisdom, etc are spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus.
In essence, God the Father has blessed you already with all these blessings. In Christ Jesus favour, wealth, healing, divine health, etc are yours already. They are yours in Christ Jesus; you don’t need to beg for them. God has credited your spiritual account with all these blessings. God your Father has credited your account in heavenly places in Christ Jesus with glory, wealth, favour, all forms of grace, divine health, mercy, victory and dominion over sin and the devil, etc.
Friend, you have waited enough for God your Father to do something but He will never do it until you do it here on earth. Why? Because it is written: “whatsoever you bind on earth is bound in heaven and whatsoever you loose on earth is loosed in heaven.” (Matt.18:18)
This is to say that God and His angels will never do anything in your life on earth until you place a demand here on earth. This is the reason for commanding prayers. In other words, you have to be proactive in the spirit realm by releasing, downloading, calling for and loosing things that God has already blessed you with. They are in spiritual forms but you need them here on earth.
Beloved, you don’t wait for a change in the spirit realm but you effect or cause a change via your utterances. You have to be proactive! How? Because you have been given already, you have to command them upon your life, family, career and business. You have waited enough for favour and mercy now is the time to command them upon your life. You have waited enough for a job; you had better call for one now. You have waited enough for life partner; now call for the one you want into your life.
You have begged and asked enough, start commanding upon your life and summoning  into your life all that you need and want for they are all yours in Christ Jesus (Pls, read Lev.25:21 and Ezk. 36:29). To be continued.

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Prayer that Works Wonders

I am glad to tell you that you can change your life now and forever through commanding prayers. Commanding prayers are prayers that work wonders in the kingdom of God. It is the key to walk and live in miracles as a child of God. It is the key to possess all things that are yours in Christ Jesus. Why? Because all things are yours in Christ Jesus if you are born again. The bible says: “So let no one boast of men. For all things are yours,” (1 Cor.3:21).
Consequently, God does not expect you to beg for things that are yours already. Friend, in Christ Jesus you are a son of God and if a son, then an heir of God like Jesus your Lord and Head. It is written: “It is the Spirit himself bearing witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs, heirs of God and fellow- heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him. (Rom.8:16-17)
As a child of God, you are a fellow-heir with Jesus and everything that belongs to the Father is yours. Silver and gold are yours. The earth and its fullness are yours. Your Father owns the universe! It is high time you began to access the treasures of your Father in the earth via commanding prayers.
Commanding prayer is a prayer that will release what is yours to you here on earth. You have to understand that in the new covenant you have been blessed already by the Father as a son. It is written: “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places” (Eph.1:3)
Wow! You have been blessed with all spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus. God has blessed you and if you are blessed by Him, there is no power or any being in heaven and on earth that can undo it except you (Nos 23: 8, 20).
What are spiritual blessings? Spiritual blessings are benefits of redemption. They are benefits that belong to the believer through the death, resurrection and exaltation of Jesus Christ to the right hand of the Father. They are God’s gifts to His children. They cannot be earned. They are not reward of self-righteousness. They cannot be bought. They are too expensive that they cost God the life of His Son so that they can be yours freely and richly in Christ Jesus.
Spiritual blessings are spiritual benevolent substances in the spirit realm but they have profound effects in the physical realm. You can’t see them with your eyes as entities but you can see their manifestation in the physical realm. For example, favour is a spiritual blessing. Salvation, healing, deliverance from the powers of darkness, wealth, victory, dominion, peace, joy, mercy, grace, wisdom, etc are spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus.
In essence, God the Father has blessed you already with all these blessings. In Christ Jesus favour, wealth, healing, divine health, etc are yours already. They are yours in Christ Jesus; you don’t need to beg for them. God has credited your spiritual account with all these blessings. God your Father has credited your account in heavenly places in Christ Jesus with glory, wealth, favour, all forms of grace, divine health, mercy, victory and dominion over sin and the devil, etc.
Friend, you have waited enough for God your Father to do something but He will never do it until you do it here on earth. Why? Because it is written: “whatsoever you bind on earth is bound in heaven and whatsoever you loose on earth is loosed in heaven.” (Matt.18:18)
This is to say that God and His angels will never do anything in your life on earth until you place a demand here on earth. This is the reason for commanding prayers. In other words, you have to be proactive in the spirit realm by releasing, downloading, calling for and loosing things that God has already blessed you with. They are in spiritual forms but you need them here on earth.
Beloved, you don’t wait for a change in the spirit realm but you effect or cause a change via your utterances. You have to be proactive! How? Because you have been given already, you have to command them upon your life, family, career and business. You have waited enough for favour and mercy now is the time to command them upon your life. You have waited enough for a job; you had better call for one now. You have waited enough for life partner; now call for the one you want into your life.
You have begged and asked enough, start commanding upon your life and summoning  into your life all that you need and want for they are all yours in Christ Jesus (Pls, read Lev.25:21 and Ezk. 36:29).

Monday, 31 March 2014


I am glad to tell you this month that you are an acre of diamond. That is you are born rich. Poverty is not your destiny. It is not the plan of God for your life. It is God that said that before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee (Jer. 1:5). God knew you and He knew that you’re not made to suffer here on earth. He knew that what he had put in you won’t make you to be poor on earth. He knew that you are an acre of diamond and a mine of gold. He knew that you are a well of crude oil. He knew that, according to what he had placed in you, you’re set apart for greatness and glory. The bible says: “this people have I formed for myself, they shall show forth my praise” (Isa. 43:21).
Beloved, that is the real plan of God for your life. He wants your life to show forth his praise .He wants people to celebrate Him through you. He has put something great in you that will make people to praise him through you. And when you discover it, you have discovered your source of wealth. There is no wealth outside there but inside of you. What will make you rich is inside of you. Your riches on earth are attached to what God has placed in you at creation. God has given you one or more talents to make it in life. Your prosperity or riches on earth is attached to your talent or potential. You are not completely useless. The bible says:” for the kingdom of heaven is as a man traveling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods. And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, to every man according to his several ability and straight way took his journey” (Matt. 26:14-15).
Wow! You are too loaded to suffer on earth. God gave to every man talent or potential to trade with on earth. It is now left for you to use it or not. Do you know that if you will admire and develop that your talent or gift, you will be a celebrity soonest. Men and women that the world celebrates today are people who discovered their talent, admired it, developed it and turned it to a profession.
They capitalized on their strength, gift or skill and suddenly they emerged a celebrity. Millions began to admire them and people even want to have their portraits in their homes. It is not because they are lucky, it is only because they knew their strength, gift or skill and capitalized on them.
There is no God-made poor man anywhere, every poor man made himself poor. There is no born failure anywhere; every failure made himself a failure. There is no useless man anywhere, every useless man made himself useless. There is no lucky man anywhere, every lucky man made himself lucky. There is no disadvantaged man on earth, every disadvantaged man thinks he is disadvantaged and failed to make use of opportunities around him. Every man is equipped and empowered by his Maker (God) to succeed and prosper on earth.
You have fasted and prayed enough, it is time to look inside and discover the acre of diamond and a well of crude oil in you. You have looked around enough for success and prosperity; it is time to explore the well of wealth in you. You can’t be suffering on earth when you have riches in you. It is time to advertise your talent, skill or strength. You are not empty. You are not useless. You seem empty and useless because you think you are empty and useless. God is saying to you now that you are an acre of diamond. He is saying that you are not empty and useless; there is a well of wealth inside you.
You have run around enough for riches, it is time to concentrate on the well of wealth in you. How you look doesn’t matter, there is greatness and beauty in you. Don’t focus on your weaknesses and disadvantages but rather focus on your strength and wait patiently like a farmer for harvest. Dare to dig the well of wealth in you, don’t die a beggar, a disgrace and a spectator. You’re made to be an asset, don’t die as a liability. You have been empowered to succeed by your Maker stop blaming people, government and events.

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

God has a plan for your life

I am glad to tell you  that your life and future were concluded before you were formed and put in your mother’s womb. Everything about you was settled before you were born to this world. God had really concluded about journey on earth before you came to this world. That is why I used to say that you are not a mistake and an accident on earth. No matter how you came and where you were born, your glorious future was settled in heaven before you’re allowed to come into the world. It is written: “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations” (Jer.1:5)
Friend, God has a good plan for your life. According to the above Bible passage God has written a script for your life and he has sent you to the earth to act it out. In other words, you are God’s actor or actress on earth. He has carefully chosen a role or part for you in His plan for the world.
That is, He has an agenda and a purpose for creating you, you can’t be Mr. Nobody. You are God’s written script; He can’t allow you to fail if you will accept the role He has chosen for you. Your role on earth was fixed, settled and concluded before you were born. You are not in the world to while away your time. You are not here to beget sons and daughters, and die. You are not in the world to be a spectator. You’re made to be an asset to man and God, don’t die as a liability. God has put some treasures in you that this generation needs, dare to ask Him to show you.
Beloved, God asked me to tell you that he has written a book concerning you in heaven that contains the details of your assignment on earth. He asked me to tell you that if you are willing and obedient, He will show it to you. He will empower and sponsor you lavishly to carry out His plan for your life. He asked me to tell you that you are so precious and honorable in His eyes that He gave up His only Son Jesus to suffer and die in your place. He asked me to tell you that He did this to tell and show you that you are not worthless and useless before Him and to His plan.
Moreover He asked me to tell you that the world might have written you off and concluded that you are useless but He your Maker can fix the broken pieces of your life and recreates it to be what he had planned it to be. He asked me to tell you that everything depends on you. He asked me to tell you that if you will turn up today before Him, He will not turn you down. He asked me to tell you that if you are ready today He will step into your life and situation and turn it around for His glory. He asked me to tell you that He loves and cherishes you because you are His plan to wipe away tears from the faces of millions. He asked me to tell you that if only and if you will dare dream His dreams and align your dreams with His plan and purpose for your life, He will work in and with you and see to it that you are a name, a glory and a praise on earth.
Friend, it is crystal clear that God has a better plan for your life and that this plan was settled and concluded before you were ever born. All what you need to change your life now is to tell Him ‘this is me, use me as you want’. God is desperately waiting for your response today for He wants to celebrate you before His angels. No matter how cruel and bad you may think that you are, God loves you and wants you. He really wants you because He doesn’t want you to be a waste. You may be dirty but He will clean you up and give you a new robe of beauty and glory. He is not angry with you. He can put the broken pieces of your life together again and make it glorious. Don’t conclude with the prophecy of men about you. They are not your Maker. They are blind. They don’t know anything about who you are inside. If you want to give your life to God through our Lord Jesus Christ pray this prayer: Heavenly Father, I come to you in the name of Jesus Christ. I recognize myself today as a sinner that needs your mercy, I now ask that you forgive me all my sins and wash me clean in the blood of Jesus Christ. I take you at your word. I confess that Jesus is Lord and I believe in my heart that you raised him from the dead. Thank you for coming into my heart, for giving me your Holy spirit as you have promised, and for being LORD over my life. Amen.

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Destiny Empowerment: You are What You Think

Destiny Empowerment: You are What You Think: Your heart is the seat of your life. It is the control centre of your life because it gives birth to your world or future. It is t...

You are What You Think

Your heart is the seat of your life. It is the control centre of your life because it gives birth to your world or future. It is the bakery of your life. It is the processing unit of your life. That is why somebody said that your mind is the battlefield of your life. Once your heart is polluted, your life is polluted. The Bible says; “keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life” (Prov. 4:23).
God admonished us in this scripture to set guard over our heart diligently because it is the spring of life. It is the well of life. We become what we draw from it. In essence, God is saying that you have got to watch your heart and use its power to change the course of your life. why? It is because whatsoever you will become in life starts with a thought which comes from your heart. Your thoughts make you or mar you.
Show me a failure I will show you a man that has failed in his thinking life. Once your thought is distorted, your life is distorted. successful and exciting thoughts produce successful and exciting life. Meager and unhappy thoughts produce meager and unhappy life. It is your thoughts or what you are thinking constantly about yourself, your life, future, career or business that will eventually become your possession.
The reason is because your thoughts determine your attitude and action which eventually become your character which determines whether you will be a success or a failure. Friend, you are unlimited. You can be what and who you want to be if you will make use of your power of imagination. Your life, career, business and marriage can change right now if you will use the gift of God in you. No devil or witchcraft can stop you. The bible says: “And the Lord said, behold, the people is one and they have all one language; and this they begin to do and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do”. (Gen. 11:6).
Wow! God said that now nothing would be restrained from them which they had imagined to do. That is no demon or man can stop you if you will harness your power of imagination or thought and focus it on what you want. Your imagination or thought is one of the powers of possibility that God has put in you at creation. Dare to use it. Dare to dream big and go for it. Nothing can stop you if you will make it(your good thoughts) stronger everyday. If you don’t allow another thought to overrule your thought for success and prosperity, you will become successful and prosperous. The only thing that the enemy does is to confuse or distract you in your mind. And once you are distracted, you are defeated. The enemy doesn’t need to fight you anyway; he just needs to distract you. And when he succeeds in distracting you, your dreams (good thoughts) become nothing. That is why the bible says: “Casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts it itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ” (2 Cor.10:5).
This is your role in the school of success. You are to cast down every imagination or thought of failure, poverty, divorce and hopelessness, and bring them into captivity to the obedience of Christ. God won’t do that for you, it is you that will decide what you want around you. No matter how hard you pray, you will eventually become what you constantly think or imagine unless you pray to change your mind which is the seat of your thought and imagination.
If you want your life to change starts with a change of thoughts. And once there is a change of thoughts, your life will begin to change for good. For as a man thinks in his heart so he is. That is a spiritual law, and God does not go against his law no matter who is involved. Focus on the things you want and pray, and everything about you will change forever.

Monday, 10 March 2014

Salary can't make You a Millionaire

I am bold to tell you  that salary is an embargo on your financial destiny. It is an embargo because it brings limitation upon your destiny and finance. It sets a limit to your financial exploits. It robs you of your blessings since it has been defined by your employer. It sets a spiritual, mental and physical boundary to your financial breakthrough and prosperity.
Moreover it sets a chain through which the evil one can control your finances. It is a torment because it makes you live in fear of losing your financial source which is your job. It makes you a slave to your employer or boss especially in one man’s business or civil service. It makes your job your god. That is why when some people lose their jobs, they try to commit suicide.
Salary creates a mental and spiritual block to financial blessings. It limits salary earner’s expectation and faith to salary. It conditions their minds to their employers and not to God. It creates kind of mind set that salary earners can’t do anything except they borrow, embezzle, collect bribe or get promotion. They live and work for salary.
Furthermore all their financial plans are based on salary. They can’t see and think beyond salary and as a result, mentally they become slaves to monthly salary. If in need, salary earners can only think of loan. And this is the reason why many civil servants and private workers cannot live beyond their salaries except they take bribe, or steal government or their company’s money. They have to do this because they are fighting to come out of the bondage, limitation and curse of salary. They recognize the fact that salary is an embargo or a limitation to their financial destiny and goal.
The truth is that no amount of money you receive as a salary that will be enough to meet all your needs. It will not be enough because consciously or unconsciously salary earners spend half of their salaries before they collect it. Hence, when they receive it, the evil cycles of financial lack continues.
One thing God wants you to know is that salary is a subtle method of the enemy to cage you financially and you have to come out of it. You have to consciously and deliberately set yourself free from this bondage and embargo. You have to wage war against it and liberate yourself from this cage. I have never seen a salary earner that has become a multimillionaire or a billionaire. If he or she is a millionaire, watch them closely it is either they are into a business or stealing where he works.
As a child of God, you have to know that salary is a limitation to your financial breakthrough and prosperity. It is an obstacle to your financial blessings especially if you are a tither. I know that many tithers would have queried God why they are not experiencing the blessings of tithers according to God’s word. It is written: “bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive.” (Mal.3:10)
The truth is that God wants to bless you back according to His word but the fact is that there is nothing He wants to put the blessings upon. Even if He wants to bless you He can only bless your employer so that you can receive salary regularly.
Wake up! It is high time you created a means for your financial breakthrough. Your tithes of many years and prayers for financial breakthrough have reached the throne of Grace and the heavens want to pour out overflowing blessings on you. And you have to create a room for it by starting a business.
You can’t be a tither and continue to wallow in poverty. Your salary mentality must die so that God can give you ideas that will bring you financial breakthrough. Satan has robbed you enough of your blessings via salary mentality. Now is the time to find your way out of the cage of salary.
I’m not asking you to quit your job but with your salary create another job or business for yourself. In other words, start your own business or small scale industry while you are still earning your salary monthly. God wants to bless you. He wants to make you a financial blessing to others. You have prayed enough for promotion. It is high time you promoted yourself now by starting a business. Salary is an embargo to your financial destiny; break it off your neck!